Pre-Trip Inspections
Section 392.7 of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation (FMCSR) stipulates no motor carrier shall be driven unless the driver is satisfied that the vehicle and parts are in good working order.

- Begin as you approach the unit - look for leaks under the truck and trailer.
- Check the engine coolant level, engine oil level, power steering level, all belts and hoses, check accessories for secure mount.
- Look at the right and left front wheels, springs, slack adjusters, wheel studs, hub oil levels, tires for tread depth, cuts, and inflation.
- Check the left side fuel cap to ensure seal is in good condition.
- Enter the cab using the three (3) point contact rule.
- Review the previous days vehicle condition report.
- Ensure all safety deffects have been corrected.
- If repairs are not corrected, the truck cannot be driven.
- Sign for repairs indicated on prior VCR.
- Parking brake is set, transmission in neutral.
- Start engine with clutch depressed.
- Check all instruments & gauges to assure all is operating properly.
- Check horn, heater/ defroster, wiper/ washers, mirror, and seat belt.
- Turn on all lights including four way turn signals.
- Check to ensure that the tractor is equiped with 3 reflective safety triangles, one full andoperational fire extinguisher, spare electrical fuses and first aid kit, if required.
Ensure all licensing and fuel permits are current and inside the driver's side door. Insurance card must be present.
Registration and insurance cards can also be found in the Library on your Pedigree tablet. - Annual goverment inspection decals are current.
- Exit cab using the three-point contact.
- Using a rag, wiper mirrors, clean all lights and check for cracked lenses, missing lenses, and lights not working.
- With engine idling, look for signs of leaks.
- Ensure all folding steps are in the closed position.
- Close and latch engine hood.
- Proceed down left side of the rig.
- Check drive tires for inflation, thread depth, and cuts.
Tread inflation:
Steer Tires - 120 PSI
Other Tires - 110 PSI -
Tread depth minimum:
Steer Tires - 4/3"
Other Tires - 2/32" - Check lug nuts to ensure each wheel is secure.
- Check hubs and inspect the suspension.
- Check drive axles.
- Check for oil and air leaks.
- Check fifth wheel mounting to trailer.
- Bolts for looseness and cracks.
- Hoses for chafing and cracking.
- Check for air leaks at glad-hand connections.
- Check clearance or marker lights for proper lens covers and illumination.
- Inspect trailer tires, wheels, lug nuts, hubs, and hub oil level, as we did on the drive wheels.
- Clean for leaking hydraulic fluid or structural cracks.
- License plate is current, securely attached and illuminated.
- Check under the trailer for proper condition with nothing hanging down or out of place.
- Check tires and wheels, lug nuts and hubs
- Check frame and suspension for defects.
- Check hydraulic system, equipment, and lights.
- Hydraulic oil reservoir should be tight with adequate oil level.
- Perform same inspection on the right side of tractor/trailer.
- Re-enter the cab, using three (3) point contact.
- Enter on log the inspection.
- Release the parking brakes.
- Fan down the service brakes until warning devices come on 60 psi)
- Keep fanning until tractor protection valve applies 30 — 45 psi)
- Build up air pressure to maximum.
- Apply service brake, hold, and check pressure drop.
- Not more than four (4) psi per minute
In-Route Inspection
FMCSR 392.9(b)(2) states that all drivers shall inspect their securement devices within fifty (50) miles after beginning a trip and at every change of duty status or every three (3) hours or every 150 miles – whichever occurs first.
REMEMBER – You are responsible for your equipment and freight!
Post-Trip Inspection
Both a pre-trip and post-trip inspection MUST be performed on each truck. This is the same scope of inspection as the pre-trip inspection.
Vehicle Condition Report
FMCSR requires a documented inspection of each truck, listing any defect that would impact the operation of the motor vehicle. This must be completed daily even if the driver is on an overnight trip.
The DVIR is located under the “Inspections” tab in the Pedigree tablet. You much click on “Tractor and Trailer” and list any defects found. If no defects are found, click the “All Passed” button.