Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. is strongly committed to providing a safe workplace. The purpose of this policy is to minimize the risk of personal injury to employees and damage to Company and personal property.

Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. does not expect employees to become experts in psychology or to physically subdue a threatening or violent individual. Indeed, Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. specifically discourages employees from engaging in any physical confrontation with a violent or potentially violent individual. However, Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. does expect and encourage employees to exercise reasonable judgment in identifying potentially dangerous situations.

Prohibited Conduct

Threats, threatening language or any other acts of aggression or violence made toward or by any Company employee WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. For purposes of this policy, a threat includes any verbal or physical harassment or abuse, any attempt at intimidating or instilling fear in others, menacing gestures, flashing of weapons, stalking or any other hostile, aggressive, injurious or destructive action undertaken for the purpose of domination or intimidation. To the extent permitted by law, employees and visitors are prohibited from carrying weapons onto Company premises.

Procedures for Reporting a Threat

All potentially dangerous situations, including threats by co-workers, should be reported immediately to any member of management with whom the employee feels comfortable. Reports of threats may be maintained confidential to the extent maintaining confidentiality does not impede Proficient Auto Transport, Inc.’s ability to investigate and respond to the complaints. All threats will be promptly investigated. All employees must cooperate with all investigations. No employee will be subjected to retaliation, intimidation or disciplinary action as a result of reporting a threat in good faith under this policy.

If the Company determines, after an appropriate good faith investigation, that someone has violated this policy, the Company will take swift and appropriate corrective action.

With Proficient the Possibilities Are Endless