Selecting Orders and Checking Out
Since its establishment, Proficient Auto Transport has expanded rapidly from a single truck to a nationwide network of over 300 trucks and 500 drivers.
Selecting Orders and Checking Out
After performing a search, available orders matching your criteria will appear in the Results Grid and the Results Map.
The Results Grid will give you information about each order, including the status. To understand more about the order
information and status, you can click on the Table Legend button located at the top-left of the Results Grid.
To maximize your routing, you can search for other orders that are near your selected orders.
1. Simply click on the magnifying glass located in the far right column of the Results Grid. A pop-up will open.
2. Select the search criteria from that order that you would like to match.
3. Click Search Nearby Orders
4. The Results Grid will display any orders that match the search criteria you chose.
The Results Map will show all orders that match your search criteria on a map. To understand more about the map, you
can click on the Map Legend & Tips button located at the top-left of the Results Map.
There are two ways to add orders to your shopping cart.
1. You can drag and drop orders into your shopping cart one at a time from either the Results Grid or Results Map.
To do this, click and hold the order you want to add, then drag it over to the shopping cart icon on the top-right of the
screen and release.
2. You can also add orders by using the checkbox to the left of each order on the Results Grid. Click the checkbox for
each order you would like to add to the shopping cart and click Add to Cart. On the Results Map simply click Add
to Cart for each order you’d like to add to the shopping cart. This will open the Shopping Cart pop-up. If you would
like to add more orders to your cart click Close on the shopping cart pop-up.
1. Open the Shopping Cart by clicking on the shopping cart icon.
2. Remove any orders you do NOT want to assign to yourself by clicking the checkbox to the left of that order and then
clicking the Remove Selected button.
3. To proceed with the orders that are in the shopping cart, click Proceed to Checkout
4. On the Order Checkout screen you will need to select a Scheduled PickUp and Scheduled Delivery date. Click in
each field and choose a date and time from the calendar. Click Done.
NOTE: Make sure to pick dates/times that comply with the Latest Pickup and Latest Delivery dates shown.
5. Make sure that you have checked the box to the left of each order you would like assigned to you. Click Assign
Selected Orders.
6. You will receive an on-screen message that indicates how many of your selected orders were assigned successfully. If
an order was not assigned to you, you will also receive an error message indicating the reason.
7. Once an order has been assigned to you it will appear in the Orders In Process tab.