Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. respects the right of any employee to maintain a blog or web page or to participate in a social networking platform, Twitter or similar site, including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. However, to protect Company interests and ensure employees focus on their job duties, employees must adhere to the following rules:
Employees may not post on a blog or web page or participate on a social networking platform, during work time or at any time with Company equipment or property.
All rules regarding confidential and proprietary business information apply in full to blogs, web pages and social networking platforms. Any information that cannot be disclosed through a conversation, a note or an e-mail also cannot be disclosed in a blog, web page or social networking platform. The Company takes very seriously the abuse of social networking platforms and Social Media by employees. Because of this, the Company strictly prohibits any potentially harmful, offensive or incriminating commentary related to the Company, its’ employees and/or Customers. Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Whether the employees are posting something on their own blog, web page, social networking platform or on someone else’s, if the employee mentions the Company and also expresses either a political opinion or an opinion regarding the Company’s actions or those of the Company’s customers that could pose an actual or potential conflict of interest with the Company, the poster must include a disclaimer. The poster should specifically state that the opinion expressed is his/her personal opinion and not the Company’s position. This is necessary to preserve the Company’s good will in the marketplace. Additionally, it is strictly prohibited for employees to post any material on Social Media that includes but is not limited to text, photos, memes or the like related to the Company or the Company’s customers. Such violations could result in disciplinary actions up to and including discharge.
Any conduct that is impermissible under the law if expressed in any other form or forum is impermissible if expressed through a blog, web page or any social networking platform. For example, posted material that is discriminatory, obscene, defamatory, libelous or violent is forbidden. Company policies apply equally to employee social media usage.
Proficient Auto Transport, Inc. encourages all employees to keep in mind the speed and manner in which information posted on a blog, web page, and/or social networking site is received and often misunderstood by readers. Employees must use their best judgment. Employees with any questions should review the guidelines above and/or consult with their manager. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in discipline, up to and including discharge.